Friday, January 29, 2016

Dual Dwelling Duos

Dr. Judye Hess as guest therapist on "Ask the Shrinks" radio show on KGGV (8/27/15), speaking on "The Dual Dwelling Duos: An Alternative for Long-term Relationships"

Based on article by Judye Hess, Ph.D. and Padma Catell, Ph.D., originally printed in Journal of Couples Therapy, vol 10, number 3/4, 2001


  1. Great video! Can't wait to see what else you post.

  2. Glad you liked it. Feel free to post questions in the comments section, and I will try to answer them on my blog. -Judye

  3. I was talking with someone at the UU church today who needs this information, so I sent her your article and the link to this interview (to which I'm listening and am enjoying right now). Love to you, Judye. Barb Fillips

  4. Thanks for reminding me that I have a blog! Glad you enjoyed the interview.
    I will have to listen myself. Thanks for spreading the word about the ddd's.
